A WordPress website designed with WooCommerce functionality for Edinburgh Piano retailer who offers restoration and hire services.


We recently helped Newlands Pianos with their new WordPress website. Showcasing the refurbished pianos they sell in their Edinburgh showroom. As well as providing information about the piano hire service they provide throughout Scotland.

Our client was looking for a fresh new website that would give life to their collection that was both user friendly and fully responsive. As well as being optimised well for SEO, allowing the business to be found online by potential new customers.

The website features a slider on the homepage as well as a product gallery and videos being served from YouTube. Social integration was included with links to Facebook and Twitter, as well as a live Instagram feed which updates as new content is added to the platform.

The Newlands Piano website benefits from WooCommerce integration, allowing a product gallery to be showcased on the site. With several different product types and categories it makes it easy for the user to navigate to the product they are looking for specifically. While taking in a wealth of information to allow them to make decisions about their future purchase.

Click to call contact buttons are a feature throughout the site allowing the user to call to book an appointment. As well as this, a contact form is also provided allowing enquiries to be made with ease. The website features a large selection of testimonials from a multitude of happy customers, allowing the buyer to shop with peace of mind.

We carried out an SEO audit ensuring that the clients content was working for him to generate positive rankings on search engines. Therefore generating lots of future sales and happy customers for our client and therefore growth in their business.

Primal Space provided this client with graphic design services, updating their existing logo as part of the website design project.

  • Primal Space
    Website Design
  • Primal Space
    WooCommerce Integration
  • Primal Space
    Website Speed Optimisation
  • Primal Space
    SEO Audit
  • Primal Space
    GDPR Compliance
  • Primal Space
    Graphic Design
  • Primal Space
    Video Content
  • Primal Space
    Homepage Slider
  • Primal Space
    Google Maps Integration
Device Frame

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