Gathering The Specifications for Your New Website
There is much to consider when looking to design a new website for your business or organisation and one of the key things is your specifications and goals of the project. This blog post will help you take the action steps required before reaching out to us as your website developer. Allowing you to have all the necessary information in place, in the early planning stages. That we will ask you for when you reach out to us, to allow us to put together a proposal and discuss your new website.
Perhaps you’re an established business who is simply looking to upgrade their existing website. Or maybe you’re embarking on a brand new business venture and a website is another thing on a long list of to-do’s that needs to be ticked off. Wherever you’re at, there are a few important pieces of information that we require from you which we will outline in this useful post. To begin the journey of discussing your website requirements and how our services can help you accomplish your key goals and objectives of the project.
Website Specifications For Your New Site
Our aim with this post is to give you clear action steps for the information that a website developer needs to extract from you. As a result, gathering a clear understanding of the project at hand. Allowing us to move forward with putting together a proposal and discussing your specifications once you have provided us with this information.
We have created a requirements page on our website allowing you to submit these to us in a easy to navigate format. We’ll then be able to follow up with you and discuss the information that we’ve gathered in more depth. While providing our expertise on how to best move forward with the project.
Website Goals and Specifications
Information About Your Business
We love understanding our clients and the businesses and industry that they operate within. Therefore the more you can tell us about your business and objectives, the more we can connect with you and share services that can benefit the long term goals of your business.
We value our client relationships and like to create long lasting partnerships with businesses and organisations. Especially those who are in line with our own corporate values and company green policy.
A Website Plan
It’s important that you go into as much depth as possible when providing us with your website specifications and requirements. This should include the goals you want to accomplish with your new website. Consider what has brought you to this point of contacting us? Are you looking to increase your brands exposure? Upgrade an outdated website with a new WordPress design and create a better user experience? Increase your turn over and move to an e-commerce platform to sell your products or services? Help us understand your thought process. Therefore we will be able to recommend the best services to suit your needs as part of our proposal.
It’s also important that we know your budget, or at least a ball park figure. As this will help us to tailor your proposal to suit you specifically. Allowing us to mange your expectations where necessary. For instance, you may be a start up and looking to put together a 10 page website, however you may only have a small budget to play with. If we know your budget we can make the best recommendations allowing you to get a faster return on your investment.
As well as this we’d love if you could provide us with your expectations of the timescale for going live. Therefore, if you are working towards a specific deadline we will know this information from the outset and can schedule our calendar accordingly.
Don’t forget to mention if you’re a registered charity or an eco/green business. We offer a 25% discount to these businesses and organisations.
A Mock-Up
If you have a website mock up then please do send this to us along with your requirements document. It will really help us understand your thought process in a more visual approach. If you aren’t sure what a mock-up is or how this should be presented you can find out more in our recent blog post on How to Create a Website Mock-Up.
A Website Domain
A key requirement that we need to collect from you is your website domain. If you have an existing website please send us your current domain. This will allow us to find out the platform your website is currently built on and understand if this will need to be moved to a new platform to proceed with development. It will also allow us to provide a more accurate quote for your proposal.
If you are a new business owner and haven’t yet purchased a domain, then fear not! Please just provide us with the domain that you’d like to operate under and we can quote on how much it would cost for you to purchase this domain. We are able to offer annual .co.uk domain licences from as little as £10 annually.
Business Email Address
Please provide us with your business email address as this will allow us to communicate with you upon receiving your requirements form. Therefore allowing us to schedule a time for a phone call to discuss your web development proposal.
Website Hosting
If you already have website hosting in place with an existing provider then please let us know. Particularly if you’re looking to keep your existing hosting plan in place. This will allow us to plan where the new site will be built and if there are any additional costs for the set up of your website.
If you don’t have website hosting already or are looking to consider a managed website hosting service, we can quote for this within your proposal.
Website Specifications For Development
Check out our most recent blog post in this series titled how to create requirements documents. Providing more in depth requirements advice and a free digital template that you can utilise, helping you get started.
You can now submit all of this information, including your requirements documents via our website requirements page. By giving us as much information about your business and your needs from the outset we will be able to engage with your requirements on a deeper level. As a result connecting with your business needs and providing a clear and concise proposal that suits the key objectives to accomplish your overall business goals. While delivering results that not only meet your budget but also deliver an effective return on investment through your new website.
We will contact you via the details you have provided us with and will schedule a phone call or video to discuss the project ahead of issuing you with a proposal.