Choosing an E-Commerce Platform for Your Business
As a new business owner there can be many decisions to make early on, and choosing an e-commerce platform is often one of them. We find that many founders we speak to understand the value of having an e-commerce website. Perhaps in some instances, their entire business idea requires this presence. Yet choosing the platform itself can cause delays in moving forward with the project. The option you choose will be the foundation on which you build your online business.
In this short post, we’ll outline the benefits of WooCommerce and Magento; our e-commerce providers of choice. Allowing you to make a more informed decision on the best platform to grow and scale your online business.
WooCommerce For Your Small Business
When choosing an e-commerce platform for your small business we always recommend WooCommerce. Powered by WordPress, WooCommerce is the small business owner’s best friend. An ideal solution for those starting out with a smaller budget, a concise catalogue of products and less complex product requirements. The easy-to-navigate interface makes it simple to carry out the day-to-day tasks of running your business. Whether that be generating orders, uploading products or keeping track of sales. While having the ability to integrate a vast array of plugins, ensuring your site can evolve as your business does.
WooCommerce provides a cost-effective solution for new business owners, or those who are taking an existing business online. Particularly if you already have a WordPress website that you’re looking to integrate with. Another benefit is that it doesn’t require the same level of technical know-how (like Magento does, for example). Meaning it’s easier to learn the skills to manage yourself, without the need for a large team of technical experts! Selling online with WooCommerce could not be simpler. Find out more about WooCommerce integration and how we can help you get started.
Magento For Your Large E-Commerce Business
When it comes to choosing an e-commerce provider for your large business we always recommend Magento to our clients. There’s really no other platform that provides the scale and efficiency as Magento. As a result, it’s chosen by many of the world’s leading brands as their e-commerce platform of choice.
The downside to Magento is that it requires a greater degree of technical proficiency to set up and manage ongoing. Making it better suited to larger scale businesses with greater budgets and a team skilled to manage the day-to-day running of. For businesses with the budget to invest in Magento development, the investment is no doubt worthwhile and pays out dividends in the long term.
Here at Primal Space, we’re one of the leading agencies for Magento development in Scotland, with a proven track record in helping our clients see results and grow and scale their e-commerce business online.
Helping You Choose an E-Commerce Platform for Your Online Business
By now you’ll likely have made a decision on the best e-commerce platform for your business needs. If you’re still unsure, take some time to read over the links we’ve provided within this post to learn more about WooCommerce and Magento offerings.
For those of you ready to move forward, you’ll be looking to share your requirements with a developer to get a better understanding of the project and move forward with the creation of your e-commerce site. We’d be happy to discuss these with you. Feel free to reach out and connect with us.
To learn more about submitting your website requirements check out our blog for helpful guides. We also offer platform-specific managed website hosting including Magento hosting and WooCommerce hosting, ensuring your website is always housed on solid foundations. These hosting options allow dedicated monthly support and website updates (based on the package you opt into).
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